Imagining Another Way Is the Beginning of the Beginning.
An opportunity presents its self but the Andersen Museum of American Designer Craftsmen is not yet in place to be in the running. The time for change is now!
I started doing some volunteer data research for the Green Party. There is a national Green Party data specialist who has been participating in our local group who says that Maine has the highest percentage of Greens in the USA and the second-highest number of Greens after California.
I am doing a simple task and before you know it, I came up with some interesting information unrelated to the task at hand. This concerns public education in the Town of Alna
Documenting Residency as of June 30, 2018
To Secure Private K-8 School Subsidy for the
2018-19 and Future School YearsThe 2018 vote of the RSU ended future private K-8 school choice in Alna still allows for public school choice for all residents K-12. If your child was born in Alna prior to June 30th, 2018, and has resided in Alna uninterrup…
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