Very interesting Mackenzie.

I am working toward legal action against the University of Maine System, which employs Outside Council (and which I have determined to be not under responsibility of AG, Aaron Frey, nor Sec. of State, Shenna Bellows) relative to my being illegally removed and charged with Criminal Trespass from USM on Mardi Gras Day 2022 while Petitioning for the Green Party Primary (from which I am now an inactive member).

However, my greater concerns are with continuing to demonstrate against "The Quiet America" Empire --- after I was very unsuccessful in my General Election run against Chellie Pingree, as an unenrolled sign-in candidate under the three letter identification allowance of LOV.

The only two up-side and interesting actions that I am focusing on are to connect with the DSA (of which I am a dues paying member in addition to being a dues paying Green) and to further evolve development of "Strategic Advantage" through ad-hoc focus-group testing and improving my double-sided demonstration signs -- for LOVE and against EMPIRE.





and on the other side;





Sincerely and with LOVE,


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Lov your candidate letteri dentification. I am interested in becoming a subscriber the Ersi Dara Collaborative Networking, which is also used by the Empire who imagines they control the netwrking but with Ersi Data software one can create one's own data and it becomes part of the same cloud the everyone. including Empire uses. The Empire is selective about who it lets in and who it keeps out- but the cloud isn't-other than subscription fee. I am pretty sure that one can use the app to run ad-hoc focus groups- I don't know but it sounds right that it should be possible. A Creator subscription costs 500.00. I see many possibilities.

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