This guy, Mario Mariotti, is NOT associated with nor consulting for the Constitution Party. He was issued a formal Cease & Desist from the Commonwealth of Massachusetts a couple years ago and has since hijacked CP URL's and social media pages all over the country. He harvests email addresses that never make it to state leadership and then emails them paypal solicitations for donations / dues that go in his pocket too.

If you're interested in joining the Constitution Party you should go through the official websites and not unvetted internet frauds. Mario also goes by the alias "Robert" and his business fiction, "Constitution Party Services" is NOT found in ANY state or financial listings and only exists as a free social media front.

You can connect with real CP officers and members here...


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May 3, 2023·edited May 3, 2023Author

However, since you are the Constitutional party, pergaps you can advise me on how I can have legal standing to object to an enacted law that is unconstitutional pursuant to the Maine State Constitution. Maine is a Home Rule State that grants matters "local and municipal in charcater" to municipal authority but "HP 1489 An Act To Implement the Recommendations of the Commission To Increase Housing Opportunities in Maine by Studying Zoning and Land Use Restrictions (EMERGENCY)" prohibits municipalities from having ordinances that regulate housing density or community character.

This law was written by about a dozen unelected commissioners in the real estate and developer industry. One of the leaders of the Commission is now VP and primary spokesperson of a non-profit corpration with equity investors which is planning a corporate owned overcrowded housing zone on our rural peninsula at 3.5 the density of the surrounding area, which would not be legal if HP 1489 had not been enacted as an emergency measure. If it had been acted as a standard enactment it would not become law until this July, but on May 1st the Town voted to approve the extension of the TIF zone and TIF funding for the corporation's development project.

HP 1489 is not only arguably unconstitutional on its own merits but also because it was enacted as an emergency measure:

The Maine Constitution says: " .......An emergency bill shall include only such measures as are immediately necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health or safety; and shall not include (1) an infringement of the right of home rule for municipalities, (2) a franchise or a license to a corporation or an individual to extend longer than one year, or (3) provision for the sale or purchase or renting for more than 5 years of real estate."

I want to challenge the constitutionality of both the law and the housing zone being planned in my town but it is not clear to me how I have the legal standing to do so. Any advise?

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I find I fit better as an independent especially in Maine or maybe anywhere.

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