Sitemap - 2021 - Mackenzie Andersen's The Individual vs The Empire!

Two Time Lines Meet During An Opioid Epidemic

What is the Deep State and how many of them are there?

New Light on Political Options to Start the New Year

Hypothetical School Proposal Marches On With A Lot of Help From Its Freinds ... However

Why we need to build back our small business environment.

Dinosaur Politics on the Peninsula, Does a Phoenix Have a Chance?

Justice For Third Parties in Maine

Is 2024 the New 1984? We Change the Path We Are On Thoughtfully and Incrementally

Why the Great Resignation is the Great Reawakening, by Rip Van Winkle

Standing on the corner of the Long & Less Traveled Road & the Highway to Nowhere

Black Holes Found in the Informational Field of the Wealth Concentration & Redistribution Industrial Complex

Decentralized Opportunity Zones is the Future of Work-Life Balance

Does equality under the law apply to all three options on the Portland Homeless Shelter ballot?

Nature vs Machine: Will Human Evolution Bifurcate?

Why Are Social Impact Investors Trying So Hard to Defeat Smaller Shelters for the Homeless?

Humanism against corporatism rises up in a surprising revolution, locally and across the globe

The major role played by Idexx in crafting the Major Business Headquarters Expansion Act

Slander branding and topic-manipulation by Newsbreak

When Paul LePage sponsored an act to codify the global capitalist world order into the Maine statutes

Why I changed the name of Butterflies and Rocketships to The Individual vs the Empire.

Can non-profit fundraising be used for public education post the enactment of Maine’s (or any state’s) Industrial Partnerships Act?

An Interesting Notification on My LinkedIn Profile.

Seeds of the Future

Boothbay Developer's Zero-Sum Game

My Conversation with the Machine

Life in the Age of the Encroaching Metaverse, Not Exactly the Garden of Paradise.

Do We Do It For The Meaning Or Do We Do It For The Monetization?

Imagining Another Way Is the Beginning of the Beginning.

Affordable Workforce Housing Examined.

Under Gov LePage, Highschool Student's Had Options, Train For A State-Approved Career, or Serve in A War Zone For a Diploma! Dead or Alive!

Strategic Interjection!

The Wealthy People's Caucus Strikes! The Poor and Working People's Caucus Schedules Its First Open Zoom Meeting!

Eyes Wide Open, - A New Media Paradigm For The Age Of Disinformation? Plus An Innovative Approach To Town Planning.

The Hidden History Of Governor Longley's Administration

Marketing of Inevitability in the Boothbay Region

Wealthy People's Caucus, Meet The Green Party's Poor and Working People's Caucus

Why All Towns in Maine Need a Town Charter

NewsBreak - Breaking Up The Hegemony of Locally-Controlled Local News!

The Irony!

The WorkForce Is Mad! And They Are Not Going To Take it Anymore!

NewsBreak's Transformational Potential

Moving Foward So It's Time To Build a Team.


My First Newsbreak Story

What Is a Public-Private Relationship, by Another Name?

Building A Community in the Raw

Faith as Political Capital

What Do the Real Estate Migration Statistics for Maine Tell Us?

Green Party Open Primaries, An Interesting Opportunity, And Thoughts on the Quality of Productivity in "Quality Jobs"

Thoughts About the Text of Maine's Latest Bill to Create a State Electricity Monopoly

Important Green Party Online Convention Tomorrow!

Boundless Boundaries

What Happens If The Remote Work Revolution And The Historical Arts and Crafts Movement Meet On Common Ground?

What If ?? The Culture of the Boothbay Peninsula Was Really Inclusive?

Boothbay Region Housing Trust Advocates Affordable Housing For the Professional Classes.

The New Boothbay Region Housing Trust Seeks To Reclaim Maine's History As A Colony Of Massachusettes!

A Conversation with Devyn Campbell, Fisherman, and Candidate for Boothbay Harbor Selectman

A Meeting With The Greens

The Importance Of Spaciousness Designed For The Living Experience.

Time For the Next Generation of Leadership!

The LifeStyle Approach To Economic Development Makes An Environmentally Sustainable Paradigm

Looking For A Leader (For A Museum)

Maine Legislature Proposes Yet Another Bill To Force Electric Utilities Into Selling Their Companies To The Government.

I Found Myself Unexpectedly Writing A Green Party Platform For A Local Selectman Candidate.

Did I Fall Down The Rabbit Hole Into A Dystopian World Or Is This Really Real?

Testing the Substack Waters

What Ceramic Casting Slip Can Tell About The Effects of Development On The Water Supply, That Our Political Leaders Won’t Say

On earth, the butterflies flap their wings as the rocket ships plan an escape from earth. an ever evolving dialogue.

What Do Lessons from the Industrial Revolution Have to Tell Us Today?

What is the Meaning of "Capitalism" and Other Out-Moded Terms?

Lewis Mumford, A Thinker for the Ages Tells a Tale Of Cities Since the Middle Ages

A School System Should Not Be Approached as an Instrument of Gentrification

How Marxian Indoctrination Sustains The Great Wealth Divide

Wednesday January 13, 2021

Are "We the People" Being "Deleted As Spam" in the USA?

Starting a Remote Work Career from Scratch